Daily Archives: 2018-05-22

Are you interested in buying kominka (traditional Japanese folk house, 古民家)in Japan ?: Tips for buying and renovating kominka


(kominka  in snow)

* Foreigners can buy a property in Japan without having special qualification.

Do you want to be close to beautiful Japanese mountain with your pet ? Or you love skiing ? Want to spend your weekend in real Zen(禅) surroundings with onsen(hot spring 温泉) within 15 mins drive ? Living in kominka could be a good choice.
The term kominka (古民家)refers to traditional Japanese houses, especially ones built a long time ago.
Kominka are not defined by the period they were built or how old they are, but usually the term is used when referring to houses built before the World War II, and especially to those built before the Taisho Period.
We have recently made the strategic collaboration agreement with a renowned kominka renovation specialist(工務店) in Nagano prefecture.We will find an appropriate kominka for the investors or conventional home buyers and renovate outside and inside the house into the pristine condition. We have a list of 100+ kominka properties for sale/rental.

If you want to buy kominka,  it is essential to pay attention to what you are doing as you purchase a very unique Japanese traditional house. You want to get this right.
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