Monthly Archives: August 2024

The Realities of Buying Unbuildable Properties(再建築不可) in Japan: What Every Investor Should Know

Understanding Unbuildable Properties

(再建築不可物件) in Japan



Unbuildable properties, known as “Saikenchiku Fuka Bukken” (再建築不可物件) in Japan,

refer to parcels of land where new construction is legally prohibited.

This restriction remains in place even if there is an existing structure on the land—once that structure is demolished,

no new building can be built.

These properties are often located in areas where modern building codes and regulations have evolved, making older properties

non-compliant with current standards.

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Asbestos in Real Estate: Understanding the Risks and Compliance in Light of Recent Law Changes



Asbestos in Real Estate: Understanding the Risks

and Compliance in Light of Recent Law Changes



Purpose and Overview

In October 2023, new regulations made asbestos inspections mandatory for many property-related activities.

Understanding these requirements is crucial for anyone planning renovations or demolition.

Failing to comply with the law can lead to significant penalties, making it essential to be informed and prepared.

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Avoid Costly Mistakes: Understanding the Key Differences Between Residential (for living) and Investment Properties in Japan


Understanding the Differences in Choosing Residential (for living)

vs. Investment Properties in Japan: A Guide to Successful Real Estate Decisions


This article delves into the differences in approach when selecting residential (for living) and investment properties in Japan’s real estate market.

It covers crucial aspects such as bank loan conditions, taxes, methods of gathering property information,

the various types of investment properties and their market characteristics, how to choose the right real estate agency, and exit strategies.

By addressing these topics, the article provides specific steps and tips for making successful property choices, regardless of the buyer’s goals.


Differences in Purpose and Selection Criteria:

For residential properties(for living), the primary focus is on ensuring comfort and convenience for yourself and your family.

Factors such as location, environment, and proximity to essential amenities are prioritized.

In contrast, investment properties prioritize profitability, with the main criteria being the future potential of the area, rental market trends,

and the resale value of the property.

Investors do not live in these properties, so they must make objective, rational decisions as investors.

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