
How many AKIYAS are there in Japan now ? : New survey was released

Truth to be told.

1 in 7 homes across the country is empty.

Around 5 million of Japan’s vacant homes are intended for future sale or rental.

The phenomenon is a function of a declining population and the continued pace of housing construction.

Despite being the world’s third-largest economy, Japan’s population has been shrinking since 2010.

The population is also getting older.

A new survey shows the problem is far greater than expected.

The government recently announced the new survey result about akiya (unused house)

According to the Housing and Land Statistics Survey in October 2018 announced by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, the ratio of akiya (unused house)  to the total number of dwellings in the country was a record high of 13.6%

,meaning 1 in 7 homes across the country is empty.

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