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Is it end of booming real estate market in Japan ? : Kenbiya latest quarterly report June 2018

(Nomizo -no-taki(Nomizo fall), Chiba pref)
Is a tidal wave finished in Japan ? It is about time to to buy a property ?
Japan’s one of the major online web sites for the investment properties ‘Kenbiya’ recently announced the latest  market trend on the properties that are registered on the site in Japan.
It is not an official report by the public sectors but the research shows the quick snap shot of the market trend.The research results cover the period between April 2018 and June 2018
on properties in Japan for each market segment.
Let’s take a closer look at the result.
Overview on all Japan
Condo unit
The gross yield of registered properties is almost unchanged at 7.69% ( minus 0.02 points compared with the previous term).
The average price fell slightly to 14.24 million yen (-3.85% from the previous term).
Residential apartment building
The gross yield of registered properties rose slightly to 8.91% ( plus 0.13 points). The average price is 67.4 million yen ( minus 2.06% from the previous term).
The average price for the apartment buildings declined for the first time since 2013.
Residential condo building
Registered yield slightly increased to 8.06% (plus 0.09 points).
The average price slightly went up to 16,329,000 yen (plus 0.66%)

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New Survey Reveals the Bank loan Is the Biggest Challenge Facing in Real Estate Investment in Japan: But investors are still bullish

Are you bullish or bearish ?
Two surveys by the major institutions revealed that both institutional investors and individual investors are bullish about the real estate market in Japan.

In the survey released by the Japanese real estate research institute in May, real estate price has been rising steadily due to the recovery of corporate performance and the expectations for the Tokyo Olympic Games and Abenomics.
The survey was conducted mainly for institutional investors.
However, 72 % of respondents say the real estate investment market is seeing the peak for the time being.
83.2% of respondents say many deals with remarkably low yields are appearing, compared to 68% in the previous survey in October 2017.
s for the view on investment in the next coming year, 90% of respondents say they will actively continue to make investments, up one point from the previous survey.
It indicates that the general consensus is still bullish.
Only 8% of respondents say they will be stopping the making new investment. Regarding the real estate market, attention is paid to interest rate trends in the United States and the monetary policy of the Bank of Japan.

As a whole investors’ willingness to invest is very positive
Regarding market expectation, the majority of institutional investors say that the market will expand in the next 6 months in both Tokyo and Osaka.Read more

Where is the most attractive city to invest in Asia ? : CBRE institutional investors reports 2018

(Kamogawa city in Chiba)                       (Kominka-tradtional Japanese folk house-)
Are you curious about where the most attractive city in Asia to invest is ?
CBRE, renowned global real estate company, recently published a report on Japanese investment market called “CBRE Investors Survey 2018” 
According to the report while domestic investors’ willingness to invest remains high but the marker can see a somewhat prudent attitude and a move to seek an alternative investment.
Foreign investors targeting the Asia-Pacific region ranks Tokyo as the most attractive city and  local cities (7 cities in the region such as Osaka, Fukuoka as one category) in Japan as the seventh place.
In 2018, the interest from overseas investors to Japan is expected to further 
Here are key points from the report
While Japanese investors have increased willingness to sell, the intention to acquire is somewhat lower.
According to the report, 63% of investors in Japan said they would acquire the same volume as in 2017, an increase of 5 points from 58% in the previous year.
Meanwhile, 29% of investors responded that they will increase from the 2017 acquisition, a 9 point decrease from 38% in the previous year.
The overall result is that more than 90% of investors are still assuming investment trajectory                shall be equal to or higher than the previous year. Nonetheless, the trajectory also decreased by 5 points from 96% in the previous year. The willingness to acquire assets seems to be somewhat declining.
On the other hand, the willingness to sell is somewhat increasing.Investors who said they would sell the similar volume as the previous year, is 62%, decreased by 7 points from the previous year,34% of total said they would increase sales from the previous year, an increase of 14 points from 20% in the previous year.Overall, 96% of the total is  projecting plan to sell equal to or greater than last year.

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2020 Tokyo Olympics revamping central Tokyo

(Current JR East ‘Harajuku’ station)

Tokyo will host the Rugby World Cup in 2019 and Olympics and Paralympics in 2020.
In view of the two big events and rapid growth of the inbound tourism, In Tokyo, there are a number of revamp projects in the pipe line now.
Today I pick up one of the projects by EAST Japan Railway Company (JR East)
involving Sendagaya station which is the closest station to the new National Stadium and Harajuku Ekimae project by NTT group.

Tokyo and neighbouring cities have been developed sufficiently and in a sense have been seeing the matured status
over the years,
however, when the new development plans are revealed by the developers and the railway companies,
the real estate price in the redevelopment area picks up and price hike is likely to continue for over several years.

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Is it the good time to buy a property in Tokyo ? – Quick recapitulation on condominium market in Tokyo in 2017-

Tokyo kankei (Japan’s institute for real estate study) recently announced
the market report on the condominiums in greater Tokyo area.
We have made the recapitulation of the report for the clients.
I will share a part of our report today.
Both prices of newly built second-hand condominiums and
unit price per square meter has gone up.
New construction projects were supplied mainly in central area of Tokyo
which sharply makes price rise.
The average price in the Tokyo metropolitan area (Tokyo and neighbouring cities) of newly built condominiums was 55.44 million yen, up + 9.0% from the previous year’s 50.87 million yen.
Because it was falling the previous year, it rose for the first time in two years, and the
whole metropolitan area shows a trend of rising again from a high stop.
The reason for price rise was due to the strong tendency of supply to concentrate in central Tokyo.
The average area for each condominium was 63.24 square meters, which was up  3.1% from 61.33 square meters in the previous year.

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The latest news on the Japanese property market

I am studying  a few reports on the current Japanese property market.
I will share my detailed analysis on this blog soon.
Over all, the Japanese market is steady.
According to the Government’s announcement in July 2017,
the national average standard price of land
rose by 0.5% compared to the previous year and it increased
for the second consecutive year.
Land for stores and hotels rose as the number of visitors to
Japan increased and redevelopment became a driving force in urban areas.
Ginza, Tokyo cracks a mark of price of the bubble period (late 80’s)
for the first time in 26 years.
Land prices of Ginza 2 chome in Tokyo exceeded the price during the bubble period.

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Is Japan really shrinking ?

Every day in the traditional medias and social medias, I  encounter the news
discussing rapidly greying Japan and the shortage of labour with rather gloomy tone.
According to the official survey announced by the government in August 2017,
the total population (excluding foreign nationals) of Japan was 125 million,
decreased for eight consecutive years.
It decreased by 300,000 from the previous year, and was the highest drop since the survey
started in 1968. The number of registered foreign residents was 2.32 million.
In the meantime, the government also announced that Japan’s economy
expanded for the seventh straight quarter in July to September (2017),
the longest growth since 1994.  So what is going on in Japan ?
Ironically the vigorous economy also highlights a chronic labour crunch
caused by the country’s ageing, shrinking population.
Japan now relies heavily on foreign labour, and experts have been
urging more public debate on immigration policy as Japan
continues to age and shrink.Read more