Tag Archive for Investment

Fast track is available: Japan’s green card by the real estate investment ? : How long does it take and how ? (YouTube Part-2)


Japan dramatically relaxed the green card regulations a few years ago.
Now you could get the green card by investing in Japan with 1 year stay.

Japan is not selling the green card but the real estate investment (or any other type of business

by establishing your entity here) should work very well.

Again the government is not selling the green card but you can
intelligently leverage the real estate investment for the preferential treatment.

I am discussing more practical strategy to get prepared and apply for the green card. 

There is even a fast track.

If you like Japan and want to contribute to my country in good ways, your investment should be

appreciated by the government.

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Japan’s green card by the real estate investment ? : How long does it take and how ? (YouTube Part-1)


Japan dramatically relaxed the green card regulations a few years ago.
Now you could get the green card by investing in Japan with 1 year stay (earliest)
The government is not selling the green card but you can
intelligently leverage the real estate investment for the preferential treatment.

How ?

Again Japan is not selling the green card.

However the real estate investment (or any other type of business

by establishing your entity here) should work if you are willing to invest and create your start up in Japan.

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Where is the most expensive location in Tokyo ?:Latest PER report by Tokyo kantei

Where is the most expensive location in Tokyo ?

Ginza in Chuo-ku.

You are right. In terms of face value, Ginza is the most expensive location in Japan and those expensive

locations are commercial areas.

What about the condos relative to the ratio of rent ?

With the rise in land prices, real estate has become difficult to buy year after year.

Where is the area which is relatively cheaper than other areas in terms of the payback period using

the rent you have to pay ?

Real estate research firm Tokyo Kantei announces “Condominium PER” every year for new condos

as one of the judgment criteria.

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Is it a good investment ? Due Diligence For high-rise condominium buyers : What You Need to Check

High-rise condominiums sometimes meet fierce resistance from residents who believe their neighborhoods are being overwhelmed by soaring glass towers.

In Japan, a number of rich and famous are living in those high rise condominiums.
But are they really good investment ? What are the potential risks ?

The higher that buildings can stretch into the sky, the more money that developers can command for sweeping views.

Those luxury condominiums are called ‘tower mansion’ in Japan.

I know it sounds very confusing.

In Japan mansions aren’t massive houses and estates for the rich and famous.

They are conventional apartments for regular people

(manshon ~ マンション).

Japanese mansions are the equivalent of condominiums.

People buy them to live in or rent out.

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How many AKIYAS are there in Japan now ? : New survey was released

Truth to be told.

1 in 7 homes across the country is empty.

Around 5 million of Japan’s vacant homes are intended for future sale or rental.

The phenomenon is a function of a declining population and the continued pace of housing construction.

Despite being the world’s third-largest economy, Japan’s population has been shrinking since 2010.

The population is also getting older.

A new survey shows the problem is far greater than expected.

The government recently announced the new survey result about akiya (unused house)

According to the Housing and Land Statistics Survey in October 2018 announced by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, the ratio of akiya (unused house)  to the total number of dwellings in the country was a record high of 13.6%

,meaning 1 in 7 homes across the country is empty.

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Controversial argument: Where are the places you don’t want to live in Tokyo ?



Moving into a new place can be an exciting yet expensive decision.

It is essential that you view the property in person as the photos may (or may not) do the property justice.

You may be able to identify issues that are not present in the photos, which may not be up to date.

Visiting the property gives you a feel for the location and the neighbourhood.

In any cities, there are some neighbourhoods where you don’t walk in the middle of night alone.

In fact, in Tokyo there is almost none.

Maybe you may feel weird if you walk on the street early in the morning in Shinjuku Kabukicho but you won’t feel

extreme insecurity.

I recently read a book written by a guy called ‘Masayoshi Osaka’. The book is called ‘Where are the places you don’t

want to live in greater Tokyo ?’  It is highly controversial and full of prejudice such as race, income and business.

He is a reasonably well-known blogger, originally from Osaka.

He is running a media company “Tokyo Deep Guide” , which is the extreme biased media.

The media shines light not on the positive side of the cities/towns in Tokyo but on the negative side.

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